



1.為達到有效解決學生課業疑難、提升學習成效之目的,並鼓勵學業成績優異學生協助輔導同儕課業,特此本校訂定了「國立臺灣科技大學伴讀實施辦法 (附件1)」,歡迎各位同學利用此伴讀制度減輕在課業上所遇到的困難。



3.伴讀申請流程:可參照伴讀申請作業流程 (附件2)。

欲申請伴讀之同學請繳交伴讀申請表 (附件3) 至各系辦公室;

若欲申請協助輔導之伴讀員,亦請繳交伴讀員申請表 (附件4) 至各系辦公室以利媒合作業。

4.預期部分同學也許會有伴讀需求,在此也敬請各位老師協助宣傳或主動建議學生多加利用伴讀活動。(詳情可參考教發中心網站: https://ctld.ntust.edu.tw/p/426-1051-6.php?Lang=zh-tw)

5.如有任何有關於伴讀作業的問題,歡迎與教學發展中心承辦人劉小姐 (分機1021,信箱 yuwen@mail.ntust.edu.tw) 聯繫,謝謝。


教務處教學發展中心 敬啟


Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

To know more about Learning Partner Program managed by National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), there is some information as follows.

1.For the purpose of solving students’ academic problems effectively, and encouraging students with outstanding academic performance to assist their peers with their studies, NTUST has launched “Implementation Method of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Learning Partner Program (see annex 1)”. All the students are welcome to take advantage of the program to overcome difficulties encountered in the courses.

2.Available courses for Learning Partner Program are major courses of every college/department and math/science related courses for first/second year of undergraduate program. Each college/department is the authority concerned for application of major courses, and application of math/science related courses for first/second year of undergraduate program are managed by Center for Teaching and Learning Development.

3.Program applying process: refer to Application Process of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Learning Partner Program. (Please refer to website: https://ctld.ntust.edu.tw/p/426-1051-37.php?Lang=zh-tw)

For both learner and learning partner applicants, please submit application form (see annex 2 & 3)” to each college/department general office or Center for Teaching and Learning Development.

4.In addition, it might be noted that for lecturers, please encourage the students to take advantage of Learning Partner Program.

5.For further questions, please contact with project officer Ms. Liu at yuwen@mail.ntust.edu.tw (or 2730-1021 ext. 1021).


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Center for Teaching and Learning Development

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